Bring us your pecans after your next harvest
If you're an Oklahoma resident, or even a Texan, chances are you've got a pecan tree growing in your backyard. You should be enjoying your tree, not leaving the nuts out for the squirrels. Bring your pecans to Mason's Pecans & Peanuts for expert cracking and shelling at a great price. Our in house crackers and blowers will get you the most nut-meats for your harvest.
First the pecans are run through a machine which cracks the outer-shell, cracking up to 500 pecans per volume. Following this, the cracked nuts are tumbled through a sheller so the meat is knocked clear of the shell. Finally, the pecans go through the blower, and skins and remaining shells are stored as mulch to be used later.
It is important to bring uniform pecan sizes and species to ensure more complete shelling and a higher yield of shelled nut-meats. If you brought in mostly native pecans your yield should be roughly 30% original weight, as well as some shells due to it's weight and thickness. If you brought in a hybrid "papershell," your return weight should be about 45-50%.